Pastoral Greetings: August 2020- The Month of Sanctification

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our God is good and all the time He is good.
Welcome to August 2020, the month of Sanctification, by the word of God who has brought us successfully through the month of holiness since last month.
We are called to be holy and perfect as God is and sanctification is the process in God that gets us there, by His word, the Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus Christ, by the grace of God.
By constant prayer, reading and doing of the Word of God daily, the Lord God will bring us to that place of purity and cleansing that will enable us to be fit and proper vessels, for His use (2 Tim 2:20-21).
Our online church services continue until it is safer to have in person services at our Miami sanctuary as the pandemic recedes, by God’s grace soon.
Albeit please let us all continue to observe the CDC guidelines of safe distancing, hand washing, face masks, hand gloves and sanitizing of all surfaces in our homes and offices. Most of all, let us all watch and pray, and attend all church online services.
May God continue to bless and keep us all safe, healthy and prosperous in Him in Jesus Name. Amen.
Pastors Chris and Ude Ogali
Senior Pastors, RCCG Victory Miami
