Pastoral Greetings: June 2020- The Month of Joy Unspeakable

                    Welcome to the new month of June 2020. It is our month of Joy Unspeakable (1Pet 1:8). By the Word of the Lord our God, who does wondrous things (Ps 72:18) in our life, our joy shall be unspeakable.
                    The Lord God will do new things for us (Is 43:19). He will heal the sick, bless us exceedingly and overcome all oppositions of the enemy and victory shall be ours forever in Jesus Name. 
                    We pray God will exterminate and eradicate the pandemic of corona virus from all the earth, beginning from our land and none of us shall be missing at the end. All be it, continue to keep safe and obey the various guidelines the authorities have given of safe distancing, hand washing, face masks etc. 
                    The church will resume person to person services in our church sanctuary as soon as it is safe and convenient to do so, since the priority is the safety of us all. Therefore all services will continue online until we are told otherwise, with clear conditions. 
                    May the Lord continue to bless and keep us all safe in Him in Jesus Name. Have a joyous month and keep winning souls for Jesus.
Pastors Chris & Ude Ogali
Senior Pastors, RCCG Victory Miami
