Pastoral Greetings: April 2020- The Month of Rivers of Living Water


Greetings in Jesus precious name and grace, peace and love of Christ be multiplied to us all in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior.

We welcome us all most heartily to April 2020, the month of Rivers of Living Water (Jn 7:38). May the Almighty God, our Keeper hide and protect us all under the shadow of His wings
(Ps 57:1) throughout this season of corona virus pandemic and thereafter in Jesus Name. As we all watch and pray, let us continue to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, putting on the whole armor of God (Eph 6:10-18).

These are times that have never been seen before, yet we are assured that in God lies our security, therefore we trust in Him knowing that ALL things will work together for our good. In times like this we work by faith and not by sight. He who began a good work in us all will perform it without fail.

Please let us all continue to adhere to the safety rules and regulations that have been put in place by the Government and experts on hand washing, keeping social distance, wearing of gloves, masks and staying home to protect ourselves and others physically by observing the highest level of hygiene and cleanliness. This too shall pass and we will gather to celebrate. Meanwhile let us make the best out of this lull to God’s glory.

Our church services by the grace of God continue online as follows:

Victory Parish Miami
Online Services

Service                                                 Day                                                   Time

Digging Deep/Faith Clinic                  Wednesdays                                      7pm-8pm

Sunday Service                                   Sundays                                             10:30am-12noon

Holy Communion/                              3rd Fridays                                        9pm-11pm
Holy Ghost Service                             (With effect Apr 17th 2020)   

Hour of Prayer with                            Monday-Wednesday                         6am-7am
Pastor Chris Ogali      

We thank you all for continuing to uphold the work of the Lord. May the Almighty God reward us all abundantly in Jesus Name. The Lord will keep us, protect us and bless us all. With long life He will satisfy us all in prosperity and close walk with Him in Jesus Name. Amen.


Pastors Chris and Ude Ogali
Senior Pastors, RCCG Victory Parish
Miami, FL USA
